Volume Upverter Orders

Placing Volume Sales Orders

To place a volume sales order, please follow the Request for Quotation steps and you should receive a quote by email within two business days. If you have placed an order with us before, please send your RFQs to sales.modular@upverter.com.

Request for Quotation (RFQ)

To request a quotation (RFQ) for a Upverter Volume Sales Order start by: 
  1. Selecting "Order" in Upverter.
  2. Create the product page and be redirected to the Gumstix Online Store. 
  3. Review and update the order.
  4. Click Proceed To Checkout.
  5. If you are not logged in, you will be redirected to the login page. 
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions during the checkout process.
  7. When you reach the Payment Information step. Select Request a quote. Then, you may proceed.
  8. You should receive a quote by email within two business days.


Once you accept a quote, Upverter will require prepayment of the full, quoted amount prior to shipment, according to the following schedule:
  1. At the time of acceptance: 35% of the quoted total. This will convert your quotation into an order.
  2. Prior to shipment: The remaining 65% of the quoted total.
For volume orders, Upverter accepts payment by wire transfer only. Your quote will contain the appropriate financial information.
Please note: Upverter does not accept purchase orders. 

Lead Time

Volume orders take approximately 6-16 weeks from the date on which a quotation is accepted by making the order confirmation payment to Upverter.


Discounts on volume orders are offered on a per-order basis based on the quantity of COMs or expansion boards ordered and it applies to all volume orders, including those with customizations.
Volume discounts are only available on orders with 100+ units of any single type of COM or expansion boards. Orders containing 100+ units of accessories do not qualify for a discount unless they meet the previous COM/expansion board criterion.


Products will be shipped within 1-2 business days after receiving the balance on the order (65% of the total). You will receive an email from our system with the sales invoice and tracking number as soon as the boards ship out.

Refunds and Cancellations

Once an order is placed it is non-refundable and non-cancellable. Any payments made for a volume order are non-refundable.

Did this answer your question? If not, please feel free to contact, support.modular@upverter.com