How to Create a Custom Header

This feature is in beta testing. 

1. Find a Custom Header Module

To find a custom header module search for "header" in Upverter's search tool. All custom headers are indicated with the word, “CUSTOM” on the module layout. See below for examples.

Custom Headers

2. Drag your custom header to the board

Once a custom header is on the board, a window will open in the app to show you the available buses and signals which you can drag on to each pin. Review the signals available. 

The example below is a 3-Pin Terminal Block vs. 20-Pin Header:

3-pin Terminal Block3-Pin Terminal Block

20-pin Header20-Pin Header

3. Allocate Buses and Signals

Select Buses and Add Signals to each pin of the custom header

PRO TIP: Right-click on an available pin to assign Ground.

When you’re happy with the signals on each pin, click “Next Step”.

4. Name and Describe your new Custom Header

Make sure your Module Name is useful and descriptive.

Custom Modules Name and Description


There you go! Your custom header is now on your board.

To Note:

  1. You can’t share your custom headers with other users.
  2. There are no limits to the amount of custom header you would like to create.
  3. Once a custom header module is created, it cannot be edited. 
  4. Signals can require one or more pins.